jargon i'm hearing / seeing on twitter, and my best guess at what these terms mean.
i'm of the opinion that we won't really succeed from inventing new and complex terms, but i do like some of these.
- ethonomics - a true neologism (just wanted to sound smart and say "neologism").
- change agent - VERY popular term; seems to describe everyone from social entrepreneurs to people who like to hang around entrepreneurs. seems to best apply to people who would have a hard time describing their "job" in less than 30 minutes.
- spontaneous community - nice way of saying slum (thanks to Jeff Chu)
- gastropolitical awakening - using food to bring people in conflict together, catalyze change
- interconnected prosperity - "Hope, joy, empathy, community." (Jeff Chu again)
- primary constitutents - instead of "beneficiaries" or "clients". oh boy.
And in the "no idea what this means" category:
- strategic apex
- disconnected ambiguity
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