Thursday, April 03, 2008

Social change and the internets

Looks like I'm taking a dive back into start-up mode. How do I know this? There are lots of signs, including the facts that I'm working on a business plan, clearing out my schedule, and have gotten a bit of seed money to do so. But the real sign, the oh-shit-yikes-hooray sign, is that I haven't slept through a whole night in about a week. Love the ideas that keep you up at night. Now I just have to find time to (BTW I published this post and THEN realized I hadn't finished the sentence that precedes this parenthetical. Which in the words of Lisa Simpson, seems apt. APT! So I'm leaving it.)

If you're curious, oh 3 loyal readers, the basic idea is, like all ideas, not new. Our society is aging. The demographic chart looks like a dude with a spare tire for a waist. The big bump is still ahead of us. This affects old people, certainly. It affects us young people because the world we also happen to inhabit has always been defined by the Boomers, and now it will be defined by their aging - from automobile design to our ever-dwindling claim on social security benefits. Loads of stuff going on to address that aging process, as well as to support the aging themselves and those who care for them. But what about the rest of us....?

I guess that's all I'll say for now...never good at keeping secrets but I'll try. Anyway, this means that if this really does get going, this blog is going to be taken over, along with my brain and my life, by this idea. One that still involves social change, entrepreneurship, and impact, but which will probably be seen through the lens of what I am trying to do now. I'm a bit of a Web2.0 virgin so I'll probably write about that a bit too.

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