Monday, July 13, 2009

Microlending goes niche

I have become a slightly obsessive fan of Lend4Health, a micro-lending site that allows users to lend directly to families struggling with the bills for alternative treatments for their kids with Autism, Aspergers, and related conditions. It's simple, transparent, and meaningful.

So it's got me wondering how many other micro-sites are out there doing micro-lending. Kiva is the big daddy, of course, and is joined by other microfinance brokers like Rangde and Microplace. And there are small business lending sites like Lending Club.

But with the ease of mashing up apps like PayPal and ChipIn, it seems like anyone can get in the micro-lending game, and that this innovation, and people's desire to feel more connected with their philanthropic activity, can be taken in many new directions. After all, loans to parents with kids with Autism is a pretty niche area. Of course with the widening of microlending, there are risks (such as fraud), which is why I like Lend4Health because founder Tori is so transparent about what she's doing. But most things worth doing are risky, so I'm still on board.

I'm curious about groups and websites that are taking this approach in new, niche, directions, in the way that Lend4Health has. I can't find many examples, but I'd love to compile a list. Can you offer any?

  1. Lend4Health. Category: health. Sub-category: Autism and related conditions (with potential to be applied to any health issue)
  2. United Prosperity. Category: microenterprise. Sub-category: loan guarantees
  3. Unithrive. Category: education. Sub-category: student loans (another uses donations rather than loans)
  4. Lend4Peace. Category: microenterprise. Sub-category: Middle East.
  5. Vittana. Category: education. Sub-category: Student loans (developing world)
  6. Save Together: a "Kiva-like platform for matching the savings goals of the working poor"
  7. (this one is in "idea" stage - see comments section): P2P lending site specifically focused on renewable energy - both green entrepreneurs and consumer energy lending in emerging markets

Kiva and white-label?
And while we're on the topic, I keep wondering what Kiva is up to. They've moved into U.S. lending, but the real jackpot is their platform. Now that start-ups like Lend4Health have shown that P2P lending can be niche, targeted, and high impact, disintermediating even microfinance institutions, it seems that a white-labeled Kiva platform could be licensed out to great effect. Revenue stream for Kiva: check. White label to protect Kiva's reputation: check. Opening up a well developed tech platform to new ideas, new innovations, and lending (and other) situations we haven't even thought of yet?: that would be incredible. I am hopeful Kiva is sitting on this idea and plans to roll it out in the near future, but that's just a guess.


* Update: If you have ideas about how that Kiva (or similar) platform could be applied to a niche capital need, let's hear them! I never would have thought of loans for families living with autism...what else is out there?

** Update: suggestions are coming in through the Comments section - I'm adding these to the list above as they come in.

** Update: Some cool models are being suggested via twitter (I'm @jessicashortall) - not all fit the exact description above, but are cool enough to note here:

  1. Kickstarter: "a funding platform for artists, designers, filmmakers, musicians, journalists, inventors, explorers..."
  2. Sell-a-band: Platform to allow indie bands to raise funds for next album directly from fans


Tori said...

Hey Jessica, thanks for being such an awesome Lend4Health lender and all-around supporter! One small note: although Lend4Health is currently doing loans for autism treatment, I do think this could work for other health-related issues too, which is why I called it "Lend4Health" not "Lend4Autism." :)

I have seen a few sites that are doing microloans for education-related costs.

Here is one:

As I find the others I'll post them for you here.


Tori said...

Lend4Peace is specifically for Middle East/West Bank.

Tori said...

Another for education. Although these are donations, not loans, but the idea is similar.

Unknown said...

Vittana is also in the micro-loan for education space:

anonymous said...

Also, check out This group doesn't aggregate partners, but rather works within a network of MFIs in their organization (28 countries, over 40 locations) Crazy.

SaveTogether said...

We are soon launching a Kiva-like platform for matching the savings goals of the working poor (think Kiva for savings)

Mike MacHarg said...

Some friends and I are busy envisioning a P2P lending site specifically focused on renewable energy - both green entrepreneurs and consumer energy lending (think household solar), in emerging markets. Very much like the idea of white label Kiva platform - could make it work. There's momentum among MFIs for energy lending.